SED Results and Reports

SED Reports

The following reports using data collected by the Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) are available to the public free of charge from NSF's website: See below for a detailed description of each report.

SED Digest and Summary Tables

This annual report of research doctorate recipients presents characteristics of the doctorate-granting institutions and the doctorate recipients, including demographics, educational history, financial support for graduate study, and postgraduation plans. Electronic versions of the data tables as well as an interactive version of highlighted trends are available on the NSF website.

Latest SED Digest Report and Data Tables

Doctorate Recipients from U.S. Universities, 2023:

SED Digest Report and Data Tables Archive

Past editions of the digest report and tables are available for download here:

SED Tools

The following tools can be used to generate additional reports.

Restricted Data Analysis Tool

The SED RDAS is an online data tool designed to expand public access to SED data and allow users to generate customized data tables on a simple yet powerful interface in a secured platform. The SED RDAS contains a comprehensive set of variables beginning with the 2017 SED data, that are not publicly accessible elsewhere.

NCSES Interactive Tool

This interactive tool consolidates several of NCSES’ previous platforms into one easy-to-use system. With it, you can easily create custom tables to suit your specific research needs.

To access the SED data in this new interactive tool, go to