All Graduate Deans of institutions that participate in the Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) receive a profile of their institution’s research doctorates, along with comparative data on doctorate recipients from all U.S. institutions and from peer institutions in the same Carnegie category. The comparative data describe the demographic characteristics, educational history, doctoral degree characteristics, and postgraduation plans of doctorate recipients. These profiles are updated annually and sent to the Graduate Dean with the release of the data. Please email or call 1-877-256-8167 for additional information about the institution profiles.
Graduate Deans of participating institutions may order, free of charge, an electronic file containing SED data on their institution’s entire research doctorate population dating back to 1920. A codebook and other documentation are provided to facilitate analysis of the dataset. Graduate Deans must sign an agreement affirming that the data will be used only for internal statistical and research purposes:
Institutional Data Set Authorization Form